Challenges and Awards.

Versatile Blogger Award.

Another versatile Blogger award.

Thank you so much An ordinary girl. For this award I am so grateful.

An Ordinary girl has an amazing and refreshing blog. She’s true to herself and knows her audience. If you’ve never visited her blog then dont miss out and click on the link.

This is my 3rd versatile Blogger award and I truly appreciate all those who have nominated me and participated in my nominations I appreciate it.

So I am giving out this award to anyone has hasn’t got it yet.

It is a good one to have if your blog isn’t award free.

Drop me a link or ping back if you do.



Challenges and Awards., Musings

Another Award!!!! whoop whoop!

Another award!!! So  chape  nominated me for the lovely blog award! What?!!!

Can you tell I am excited?

Thank you so much for the comments, likes, visits that you have showered on me. I am very thankful.

You guys should check out this blog its amazing! Especially if you want to keep fit!

Award Rules:

  1. You must thank the person who nominated you and includes a link to their blog.You must list the rules and display the award
  2. You must list the rules and display the award.You must add 7 facts about yourself
  3. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and leave a comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

The Facts.

I realize that every time I do these awards the facts change lol

  1. I am a Christian.   This isn’t for anyone’s comfort or discomfort, its who I am.
  2. I am a giver. It annoyed a couple of my friends back in school because they taught I was gullible because of it.
  3. I can be very annoying. Its true ask my family and boo.
  4. I enjoy being a part of my “tribe” and this word here has nothing to do with language. Might explain in another post.
  5. I am proud to be Nigerian even with all the negativity out there about my country.
  6. I am proud to be Hausa. I love my language and dialect. There’s just something about Hausa in spoken form, its almost musical (I might be biased for obvious reasons).
  7. I can be disconnected sometimes and very unaware of all that’s around me. And I can also be the exact opposite.


The Nominees!!!!!!……

Kaye                                        nishita                         Parveen

sarah Doughty.                   Akhila                              whimsical

kingsoracle.                      An ordinary girl                     creating a home

Swetha M                              Joseph N                   Lynz

rosieeek                       Stephen P         Di

Please if I didn’t tag you doesn’t mean you don’t mean alot to me or shouldn’t have one. Please feel free to grab this award.

Y’all all have lovely blogs and I look forward to your posts.

Thanks guys.


Challenges and Awards.

My 1st Infinity Dreams Award.

I have been nominated by Ndumiso really cool guy with wonderful opinions and outlook on life. Thank you Ndumiso it means alot to me.HE loves music and so do I (best friends in the making anyone ?). He thinks I have infinity dreams hence the award (I think? ) lol.But honestly check out his blog. You’ll thank me for it.

The Award Rules:

  1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you.
  1.  Tell us 11 facts about yourself.

  2.   Answer the questions that were set for you to answer.

  3.  Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them.

11 Facts About Moi.

*I love Yams not sweet potatoes but yams. Fried, roasted or cooked. Come to think of it I like potatoes too. Well throw in the tuber family while we’re at it.

  • I used to weigh 45kg at the end of Secondary school. then 47kg in my first year of college. 6 years later I weigh about 65kg and I am proud of myself lol. Apart from my gut (which I just recently discovered exists)! 😅😐😔😠😢😣😞
  • I am the last of Four children, but I have been blessed by six more amazing siblings and counting (don’t ask)
  • I studied Building Technology even though I was told its a man’s world but hey I am a classy revolutionary not rebel because they just like to upset things without a plan
  • I have a registered NGO but I am yet to start projects
  • I have started several novels in my adolescent and pre adolescent years and post and have no idea where the manuscripts are.
  • Written several songs with the same fate meted out to them as above
  • I am rubbish at exercises but I love to dance
  • I always wished I knew how to draw and paint
  • Always wanted to Marry a duke from old England or at least someone with a cool accent ( my boyfriend has a cool accent just that its American not British or Irish or even Scottish!) But I love him still lo,
  • I am not a vegetarian can’t do it. I like Milk and eggs. Can give up red meat but not at Christmas! Or Sallah

There you have it.

The Questions.

  1. Who is your mentor or who inspires you the most?  My mother
  2. Who is your best friend? Temi and Kehinde
  3. What is the role of gratitude in life, if any? Important
  4. If you could meet one person from any period in history (it may even be fictional), who would it be? Too many to choose from. (Elijah, paul, Mary from the Bible, C.S Lewis, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Einstein, The Bronte Sisters) too many.
  5. What is the sweetest thing someone ever did for you? Too many on a daily basis, from a comment on my blog to a simple how do you do..
  6. Which were the best years of your life – childhood, youth or whichever age you’re now? I cherish every stage of my life through every storm.
  7. Do you suffer from any kind of phobia? Mephobia (do I sound a bit conceited  and narcissistic ?)
  8. What do you need to be happy? Nothing. Happiness comes From within. its conscious
  9. What is love? God is love. Love is being kind to a stranger. love is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.
  10. What is peace? Tranquility and freedom and respect.
  11. Who are you? What you see is not what you get. an ENIGMA. But still me

My Questions.with you?

What’s your ideal world?

Who will you be as a cartoon character?

Who’s your writing mentor?

What song strikes a cord?

What color fits your current mood?

Couch or bed?

Poetry or prose?

Jeans or slack?

Rock or ballads?

A millionaire for a week?

Any book for a lifetime which one?

My Nominees.













Challenges and Awards.

The Epic Awesomness Award.

Awesome Award

Paul is a really Awesome blogger and the best Personal Trainer you´ll find in Long Island area. Paul created this Award and I´m honored that  Chape has nominated me! If you want to get fit then you have to visit their blogs.

The Award Rules:

  1. I know you are Awesome, tell us why.

  2. You are my friends and tell us about others.

  3. Be creative. It’s alright if you can’t be.

  4. I give no questions to be fully answered but let yourself go here. Thank you.

*I am awesome because… I have an award to prove it!!! Yay me!!

I am in fact epicly awesome says the award, which means I exude awesomeness. 😜😜😜😝😝😝😁😎😋🎈🎈🎆🎇🎀

*you oh epicly awesome one are my friend and so are the epicly awesome people I meet and connect with on the blogosphere

*Can’t be creative? Oh the horror! And here I thought the mere mention of the award Title should have told you just how creative I am.

(drops mic! In epic awesomeness).

*This award has been fun to do because I got to clown to my hearts content so thank you 😃😊😅😂

RECIPIENTS !!! (drum roll!) yes It has gotten to my head if you couldn’t tell by my answers









This is a short list yes I know short because I got lazy and couldn’t Tag all of you. your all awesome! ( and no I wasn’t sucking up)

This Ramblings are due to sleep deprivation, Thank you, Happy Sunday and goodnight!

Challenges and Awards., Impromptu

Omooba did me the honor of nominating me for this award and for that I am grateful. Just recently discovered this beautiful souls blog and its been worth every trip and read. It will take just a few minutes to click on the above link and see for yourself what I mean.

The rules.

  • First, the award logo’s expected to be displayed openly on the recipient’s blogsite!
  • Next, the Blogger who nominated you must be thanked and put up for mention via a link that easily takes one back to their own sites!
  • Ten questions as posed by the Blogger who nominated you are expected to be answered!
  • You’re also mandated to nominate and notify ten Bloggers of your choosing and pass on the torch to them!
  • Finally, you get to task your nominees with any ten random questions that so tickles your fancy!

The question.

  1. What are the top five songs on your playlist?                                                      I am an oldies person. Give me Peabo Bryson, Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Bon Jovi, Mj and any good song before the 2000’s and i’d be hooked. But a couple current songs that creep in and get stuck in my head! Find their place on my playlist too

Then hillsong’s ocean is never far from my most played songs.
2. What are your top five reads?                                                                                   I can never do that to my precioussss(in smigles voice) I feel disloyal choosing just one.
3. What would you say is the best quality in a person?                            Honesty. Not just in the telling of truth but in the person knowing themselves, being honest to ones self.

(This is an impromptu answer lol)
4. What unnerves you?

Spiders and thoughts of spiders lol.

Being backed into a corner or put on the spot annoys me rather than unnerves but its the closest.

  1. What keeps you motivated?                                                                                     My Boo and all those little mutants (sorry geniuses doing things before there 20’s)makes me get off my butt. Then watching T.V and seeing those who are worse off stops me from lazing around complaining.
  2. Why do you blog?

I do it for me, for sanity, for comfort, its therapeutic and the support is comforting.
7. What’s the best thing anyone has ever said to you?

Don’t be anyone else
8. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

stretch, yawn, open my eyes, usually say Thank you Jesus around this time pray with my boyfriend over the phone.

  1. Do you like being female? Why?

Yes. Being female is not a burden or an accessory. Its part of who I am, not my identity But part of it. plus I love being a lady.
10. Is happiness the ultimate point of living? Why if you agree, and if not what is?

Happiness is a state of being, your either happy or not at a given time. You make your own happiness.

I have questions (obviously) but they aren’t 10, sorry broken rules, rebellion and so on and okay its not a question but a task.

So here’s mine.

Since its a sisterhood award, show some sister blogs some love.

And write comments on their posts or reblog them.

Easy peasy and you were already sweating!

That’s it!

The Nominees.

Public service announcement: you need to step out of your comfort zone and into the amazing world of these bloggers, you’ll thank me later.