
Not Culture Shock.

I am always looking out for things I might have missed since moving here. It is easy to have a preconceived idea about a place or people which is something I have come to realize a lot of people have about me ( Nigerians and Africans in general) and I have decided that rather than be offended, I guide as correct if it’s welcomed.

I am always surprised when people don’t expect me to speak fluent English or are surprised when I do and do it with a clear understandable accent.

I have come to learn the difference in culture also that’s can be seen here also in respect to race, age , religion or the lack of it and geographical location.

It’s been an eye opener for me and I am glad to have the opportunity to learn about the way of life of others.

Have you experienced culture shock recently or in the past? What was your experience and how did you deal with it?

Book Review, Musings

Book Review:- Hejira by Deanna Stewart.

This book made me want to cheer!

Hejira by Deanna Stewart took me back to a setting, a genre that I had quite forgotten I enjoy reading.

The Author is very good at immersing you into the story. She delicately paints each scene with just the right amount of words which don’t leave you wound up or overwhelmed.

From the first page I was transported to ancient Persia with its bustling markets and I could smell the incense, admire the sparkling jewels and experience the market scene along with the characters.

The story follows the unlikeliest of heroines

Fatima and Isla. Their journey begins in the kingdom of Chabouk, in a time ripe with tyranny and oppression. Theirs is the tale of the grass is greener on the other-side. They live in a time where women are nothing more than bargaining chips for their fathers and husbands, to be used to gain power, riches, security etc.

Fatima after years of being what her marriage taught her to be realized she didn’t want the same pattern for her generation and in a last hurrah dared to risk it all in a Hejira that became legend.

Her and her little band of misfits teach us that strength can come from the weakest of places and freedom sometimes has to be taken not given.

I like that even though the book is set in ancient times, the themes are still quiet relevant today as women deal with various levels of equality and challenges.

I recommend this book to women of all ages and even men.


My new home.

So since moving across continents, adjusting and making my new life work has basically been foremost on my mind.

There’s been change, joy, happiness, sadness, nostalgia, excitement, adventures had and to be had, home sickness and a cocktail of varying emotions that bombard me at various tempos.

But all in all even when it’s not been fun, it’s been adventurous. Everyone asks me what the biggest thing has been for me or what the most culture shock I have experienced is and sometimes I feel like my answers leave them disappointed lol. But that’s just me though! I try not to let too much get to me and when it does, I take my time to process it that at the end of the day it ends up being anti-climatic for everyone involved lol 😆.

But it helps me process , cope and that works for me just fine. I try not to let the wonders and faults of my new home pass me by, because I want this feeling and excitement to last longer. I don’t want to be jaded just yet, so I stop to smell the roses and acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses that she offers.

Everyone keeps telling me I had better start adapting and changing with the flow and I agree to adapting but I don’t have to change and lose myself just so that I can fit in. That’s not my way. I believe my new home and I shall come to adjust to one another’s curves till we both fit and work well together.

All in all it’s been wonderful traveling here and experiencing this way of life that’s so much more different and yet not so different at the same time.

I am curious to learn about your experiences moving, even if it’s next door lol.

Inspired, LDR

Zoo trip (pictures at the end)

So last week the family and I went to the zoo. I was really excited because my zoo trips are quite few and happened a long time ago.

I was also really excited because we were taking my sister’s 3 year old and her 11 month old twins and I was looking forward to having them enjoy the out doors and the general experience. 

Obviously the twins are least likely to have as much fun as the 3 year old. 

But surprisingly they had a great time enjoying the fresh air and the activity around them. So that was amazing.

Unfortunately the zoo was not as impressive as I had hoped. I saw snakes I think pythons. I saw horses (rolls eyes), I saw goats ( common! These roam the streets here) I saw two not very healthy looking camels even though I was told they were really young in reference to their size. 

I saw buffalos, I saw various species of monkeys and two baboons. 

I saw two turtles or is it tortoise . What’s the difference? Anyway they were really big. A male and a female. I can’t remember if one was 200 or 80 years old.  I found out the males grow way bigger than the females. And some really curious Nigerians decided to sit and climb on the bigger of the turtles just because they were told about how strong it’s shell is. And I am like really? 

Don’t get me wrong I was intrigued but come on!!! Riding a turtles back? Seriously! 

I saw crocodiles and their baby. Or was it an alligator? Well there where also rabbits, ostrich, peacock,guinea fowl etc.

Nothing wild lifey though or ferocious. So a little disappointed again.

Anyway all in all it was a good day and I had fun.

Here are some pictures

Zuma rock.

Crocodile/alligator not sure 😁

There are more interesting pictures but my network won’t let me upload them lol.

So tell me about your local zoo.

What has been the most interesting and shocking thing about it. 

😁 I look forward to your reply.