Blogging, Musings, story time

What’s bee happening (if you’ve been wondering)

So for those of you who’ve been following my adventures, I am sure you’ve been wondering why my posts have been sporadic and all over the place?

Well I just recently moved! More like relocated really 😁 to a different CONTINENT!

If you’ve read any of my long distance relationship (Ldr) posts, you would know that my husband and I dated long distance and this spilled over into the first 2+years of our marriage with a lot of juggling of time difference, finding cheap flights and trying to squeeze as much quality time together while still trying to make a living or be functional members of society if you may lol

So the BIG move happened recently after going through more than a year of immigration processes, rejections and validations to finally bring us to today. Today represents our current state of finally living together and building the life we’ve always dreamed and planned for. It’s been just over a month since the move and I would love to say it’s been all sunshine and rainbows but no it’s not!

Transplanting your life isn’t as easy as they make it look and sound in the movies, books and songs. There’s a lot of back work involved. Documentation, work/ possible career change, money differences, shopping and food diversity, a different system and all that.

But all that is a walk in the park to finally have “Today”. We don’t have 6000+ miles between us anymore, no sleepless nights, no time difference, no horrible network problems and so forth. It’s not perfect but it’s still paradise.

I get asked if I would do it differently and change our process. I would love to say yes, but my answer is I don’t know if having the opportunity to do it differently would make us as strong as we are and as purified going through the fire (our process) as we have.

It’s our process and I am happy that we conquered it and made it to the other side.

Our story isn’t over by any means, it’s Just starting a new chapter ❤️.


Lessons On Waiting.

I always admire those who just exude patience from every pore. They are content to wait and never give up, doubt or challenge the process they are going through.
In comes me like a tiny fur ball bouncing with excitement and vibrating with energy. Wait you say? ‘erm’ how do I do that? every iota of my being is pushing for results, answers, movement! anything to show progress.
I consider myself a patient person, but its the act of being patient that I sometimes find tasking.I want to be that person who waits with grace and finesse but sometimes I end up a quivering mess of almost tears and loud questions mostly punctuated with ‘WHY!’ LOL (So much for elegance).

I am blessed to say that not many a great things have tested my faith to the point of doubt, anger or recanting it, and yet going through Long distance relationship for four years and then long distance marriage (not on purpose) for almost two years, I find myself left with a lot of questions and a niggling feeling of impatience. But of course everyone around me thinks I am a Champ and they always punctuate this feeling with comments of how amazed they are, how they couldn’t possibly do the same if the positions were reversed, how strong I am and how well I am doing.

However, all I want to say is no! I am actually not that strong, I am just being strong out of necessity, because I have to be strong. It’s a survival mechanism, because the moment I stop being strong, I will probably unravel and it will take a lot to put this ‘humptidonty’ back together again. My husband on the other hand I feel drew the short end of the stick, I get to still experience the things I love, be surrounded by family and friends and not have a lot of things change or be too lonely.While on the other hand he has friends turned family around him, but no actual relatives close by and even though he has had to go through a couple of lifestyle changes, he doesn’t have me around to help out as a partner should.

So, on the issue of waiting, I have come to conclude that though everyone’s process is different, and we all lead different lifestyles, still we ought to find what lessons life’s teaching us as we wait. It would be very sad to go through it not learning anything at all.

What lessons have you learned from waiting and what lifestyle changes did you have to make because of it?

Inspired, Musings, The Journey

Let’s Get Personal 😎 ( I think my feature image is hilarious)

Hey guys!

So I am not one to get personal about myself/life/relationship etc on social media. I share and all, but I like to keep that side of me private (as much as I can).

But recently I have been feeling the urge to share and find people who are like me and going through the same things.

So this is sort of weird but we’ll see where it takes us. So a bunch of topics you will be seeing on this page henceforth along with everything else will be as diverse and sometimes unrelated as you can possibly imagine.

  • I will be talking about the current recession that Nigeria is going through,
  • My long distance relationship and Marriage,
  • Dating (my limited experience lol)
  • The pitfalls and iOS of log distance relationship and how to make it work
  • Poetry and the need to find release
  • Impending Immigrations,
  • My need to have Yam when I move to be with my husband.                                         (not sweet potato, YAM!!!)
  • The hope and fear of the big move (please feel free to share your immigration stories with me. Please 😥😥:'(😰😧 :mrgreen:)
  • My NGO (the Dilemma of the  lost documents)
  • Work and the search for greater things (is this all there is to life?)
  • Weight loss and gain (the struggle.   with-in and with-out),
  • Lessons
  • Healthy eating and the temptation of late night eating.

Just generally my everyday life.

what I hope to gain and achieve is a better rapport with my followers and friends on the blogosphere.

Those with advice,questions or just interest in the topic or story of the day please so not hesitate to indicate by commenting.

Please read and comment. Ask questions and  help me on this journey of unburdening and growing through writing and sharing.

Thanks guys and don’t forget to connect on social media!!  😁:):):):).

Instagram-:- shulaices

Twitter-:- Sunes_is

Facebook-:- Sunesis Shuaibu

I look forward to meeting and connecting with everyone.

And please feel free to send me questions and issues you would like addressed.

Cheers!  😁