hurt, Inspired, Ldbrn, LDR, ldrbn, love

Can You?

I still bleed from it

Do you recall it?

The cuts along my heart

Never self-inflicted neither deliberate.

Yet they still ooze from constant abuse

The ridges of the wounds form your signature and the scars a tattoo of your name.


Can you still smell it?

The pungent smell of rot


Can you taste it?

Do you remember its metallic taste as you bit into my soul and sunk your teeth into my core taking with you pieces well-hidden and baring them for all to see


Can you hear it?

The beats you forced into submission and rhythm with your constant attack on my senses till my heart beat in tune with yours and all my emotions became a Symphony of your whims.


My deeds a tentative plea

My actions a reflection of your mood

And I recoil at the thought it’ll be less than perfect; off beat


Can you still feel it?

That seizure that tells you we’re connected.

Others have butterflies and sparks

But we’ve felt deeper, known deeper,

Currents of electromagnetic waves

We ignite and we combust


Can you see it?

The blood from our wounds as we hurt. It trickles down slowly as we sign on the ridges of a fresh wound, clothing in anticipation of the healing that’s sure to come.


But for now it seeps.

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