Challenges and Awards.

The Epic Awesomness Award.

Awesome Award

Paul is a really Awesome blogger and the best Personal Trainer you´ll find in Long Island area. Paul created this Award and I´m honored that  Chape has nominated me! If you want to get fit then you have to visit their blogs.

The Award Rules:

  1. I know you are Awesome, tell us why.

  2. You are my friends and tell us about others.

  3. Be creative. It’s alright if you can’t be.

  4. I give no questions to be fully answered but let yourself go here. Thank you.

*I am awesome because… I have an award to prove it!!! Yay me!!

I am in fact epicly awesome says the award, which means I exude awesomeness. 😜😜😜😝😝😝😁😎😋🎈🎈🎆🎇🎀

*you oh epicly awesome one are my friend and so are the epicly awesome people I meet and connect with on the blogosphere

*Can’t be creative? Oh the horror! And here I thought the mere mention of the award Title should have told you just how creative I am.

(drops mic! In epic awesomeness).

*This award has been fun to do because I got to clown to my hearts content so thank you 😃😊😅😂

RECIPIENTS !!! (drum roll!) yes It has gotten to my head if you couldn’t tell by my answers









This is a short list yes I know short because I got lazy and couldn’t Tag all of you. your all awesome! ( and no I wasn’t sucking up)

This Ramblings are due to sleep deprivation, Thank you, Happy Sunday and goodnight!

27 thoughts on “The Epic Awesomness Award.”

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